POCLA Belfast Forum

GMcG Chartered Accountants was delighted to have supported the Proceeds of Crime Lawyers Association (POCLA) Belfast Forum. The event took place on March 1st at W5, Titanic Belfast. GMcG sponsored the drinks reception and Gabriel Greene, who leads GMcG’s Financial Crime and Investigation team, presented on POCA accounting.

POCLA Belfast Forum

In addition to Gabriel’s presentation, the well-attended event featured an impressive line-up of experts on other key areas of Proceeds of Crime, including a Case Law update from Jeffrey Bryan, CPS and a Civil Recovery presentation from Frank O’Donoghue QC. Aidan Larkin, Head of Asset Recovery at Wilsons Auctions, completed the line-up of speakers with his presentation on Cryptocurrency and Asset Recovery. 

The event concluded with a very interesting and informative panel discussion chaired by Kennedy Talbot QC and included Lord Chief Justice Davis, Jonathan Kinnear QC, Paul Winter, HMRC Financial Crime Liaison Office Dublin, and Gavan Duffy QC.

Gabriel Greene believed the event was a great success:

“This was an excellent opportunity for GMcG to support an event for local barristers and solicitors, particularly one which featured some of the UK’s most experienced and revered QCs, barristers and experts in the area of Proceeds of Crime.

It’s a topic that features many nuances and developments and it was great to have experts with such a depth of experience and insight at the Belfast Forum.”

For more information on GMcG’s Forensic Accounting and Investigation services, visit here ; or contact Gabriel Greene

POCLA Belfast Forum