GMcG raises £14,000 for Welcome Organisation

GMcG’s 2024 charity partner, The Welcome Organisation, received a cheque for £14,000 following a tremendous fundraising effort by GMcG employees throughout the year.

GMcG Managing Director Susan Dunlop with Mo Sykes, Acting CEO Welcome Organisation

This is a record charity donation from the firm and one which undoubtedly will make a huge difference in supporting The Welcome Organisation's many services for helping those across our community faced with the challenges of homelessness.

The decision to partner with The Welcome Organisation was the result of a voting and selection process involving employees from across GMcG’s Belfast, Lisburn and Portadown offices. This approach is adopted by the firm each year to ensure the charity partner is always the choice of employees.

Susan Dunlop, GMcG Managing Director, presented a cheque to The Welcome Organisation’s Acting CEO, Mo Sykes.  Susan commented:

“This is an incredible amount raised by the firm and testament to the charity that so many people dug deep for such a worthy cause. We were genuinely overwhelmed with the level of support from clients, colleagues and contacts of the firm.

The fundraising was also the result of hard work and creativity from many of our employees who organised and participated in a range of activities, from marathon running and bake sales to a Cavehill Trek, Christmas Quiz and a 24 Hour Fast.  We would once again like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated and of course the many clients and friends of the firm who donated so generously during the year”.

Mo Sykes, Acting CEO of The Welcome Organisation, adds:

"We would like to say a massive thank you to GMcG Chartered Accountants for their phenomenal fundraising efforts. The money the team have raised will have a real and positive impact on our work and in turn on the people who use our services. We couldn't deliver the level of service we do for people experiencing homelessness if it wasn't for the generosity of organisation's like GMcG.

These are vital and life-saving services delivered here in Northern Ireland and include our Daytime Support Hub, our Street Outreach service, our two female accommodation services, our Floating Support service and our Mobile Health Unit. Thank you to everyone who donated so generously."